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Receive Quality Orthopaedic Care in the Comfort of Your Own Home

Receive Quality Orthopaedic Care in the Comfort of Your Own Home

When the country went into lockdown after lockdown due to the global pandemic, health care providers devoted themselves to ensuring that people were still able to access the care they needed through telemedicine.

The situation was no different here at Western Orthopaedics, and our team stepped up to ensure that our patients could keep their musculoskeletal health on track. After all, our health certainly didn’t take a timeout as we weathered the pandemic.

Thanks to technology, we managed the health concerns of our patients from afar, and we continue to do so through our telemedicine services.

Here’s a look at what we can accomplish while you stay in the comfort of your own home.

Telemedicine made easy

We understand that technology can be frustrating — setting up accounts, creating passwords, and so on. For our telemedicine services, we use a program called doxy.me, which is one of the simplest telehealth technologies available.

All you need is a computer, tablet, or smartphone along with a web browser, and you can meet with one of our providers, privately, but virtually.

Telemedicine is secure

If you’re worried about privacy concerns, our telehealth services adhere to all HIPAA, PIPEDA, and GDPR data privacy requirements. 

What we can accomplish through telemedicine

Receiving your orthopaedic health care through telemedicine is more effective than you might think. 

Through your virtual appointments with one of our providers, we can:

Of course, there are some limits to caring for your health from afar, and you still need to come in to the office for definitive diagnoses with our advanced imaging equipment. If we recommend an interventional procedure, you need to come in for that, too.

It’s the care surrounding these two situations where telemedicine can really shine, allowing you to access our medical expertise from the comfort and safety of your own home or office.

Benefits of telemedicine

There are myriad benefits that stem from our telemedicine services. Aside from avoiding public spaces, this approach to your health care can be a big timesaver, eliminating your need to travel to our office.

As well, if you have a condition that makes moving around difficult or you have issues with child care, telemedicine provides a perfect solution.

Lastly, just as our in-person health care allows, you have the full attention of our provider, and the time is yours to review any questions or concerns you have.

If you think telemedicine is right for you, contact one of our offices in Denver or Arvada, Colorado, to learn more.

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